
Good Morning World

Good Morning World

This morning I woke up to a message from my momma. She sent me this picture and said it reminded her of the both of us. Probably because were both people pleasers, and tend to ignore our own delights to please those around us. This year, I’ve started to realize more and more that I don’t want to just sit through life and do things that I’m “supposed to” because I’m in school or a young poor student. I want to chase after the things I want and make others jealous of my ambition while I do it. I’ve recently started hypothesizing about the potentials of started a side project with a dear friend of mine, created this blog and just stopped thinking in a linear state of mind. For most individuals in life, you will change your career multiple times. Why get stuck in a tunnel swimming towards one goal, when you can work on multiple goals at once, magnifying your success? I’m posting this picture today, to encourage all of my readers and anybody who sees this to ditch mediocracy and chase your dream(s). As cheesy as it may sound, everything is possible when you work for it and believe it.
Good luck and cheers!

When you’re ready to drop kick a snowman, try these 5 tips to tackle your winter blues.


Unless you’re a winter olympian or an avid snow bunny, I’m sure you’re all just as sick of the cold as I am. Sure the snow is nice in December, I mean everyone wants a “white Christmas” right? Well by February, the fourth month of snow I’m about ready to say goodbye. Here are the top five reasons why I hate winter.

1. Travel = Mission impossible: If you’re brave enough to walk anywhere you’re sporting layers on layers, carrying a close resemblance to shamu the whale or you’re attempting to manoeuvre a ton of metal through the slippery terrain -winter tires don’t mean anything. Don’t forget that it takes twice the amount of time to get anywhere, due to the tedious task of clearing the snow off of your car as well as letting that little engine heat up. 

2. Skinitimate issues: Let’s face it, the winter climate is detrimental to our skin. As if being pasty white isn’t bad enough, we also suffer dry flaky skin, and redness accumulated from windburn. 

3. Cabin fever: Yes it’s fun to lounge around and watch netflix all day, but sometimes this girl needs to run wild outside. This is especially difficult in the winter when every step is laced with the possibility of an embarrassing wipeout. Second, as great as it is to have a free student gym pass, where you may be lucky enough to spot a cute guy, it doesn’t compare to working out in the sunshine. 

4. Bulking season: Although the term “bulking season” is traditionally used when referring to an athlete’s off season as they prepare for their upcoming competitive one, it is now a widely used and accepted term amongst young individuals. It’s readily used to validate indulgences in poor food choices. When this whether is so sad, sometimes you just need to turn to your best friend chocolate to lift your spirits.This however, doesn’t help anyone for “swimsuit season” which is hiding around the corner.

5.  Fashion Fiasco: To anybody concerned with their fashion choices, the winter is the most difficult season to look fabulous in. I’m sorry but no matter what color or design you’ve purchased, SOREL boots just aren’t cute and neither are salt stains or soaking wet feet. On top of this unless you plan to keep your beanie on all day you can say good bye to that perfectly styled hair. 

As easy as it is to let the winter get us down, I’m here to tell you how to conquer your winter blues surrounding these five issues brought to light. I promise you with a little determination and a lot of self distraction, you can and you will conquer the rest of this winter season. 

1. In order to facilitate extended travel time, set your clocks ahead five minutes. This little trick will help you leave your house a few minutes early to get that snow cleared and engine running like a gazelle. It will also leave room for any unexpected road conditions.

2. A few solutions to your skintimate issues are 1) make sure to use an exfoliating face wash 2-3 times a week to rid the skin of any dead flaky skin, followed by a moisturizer to counteract the drying effect of the facewash. A great and inexpensive exfoliating face wash is Neutrogena’s “Deep Clean, Gentle exfoliant scrub”. A moisturizer which although, a little more expensive but totally worth it, is the Clinique “dramatically different moisturizing gel” leaving your skin hydrated but not greasy. 2) If you’re in need of a little glow like that rest of us, try picking up a self tanner. It’s a lot less expensive than tanning salons AND doesn’t increase the risk of contracting skin cancer. A terrific brand is the Olay “quench plus, touch of sun”, a gradual tanner which allows for an all natural look. 

3. One of my favourite ways to destroy cabin fever is by tackling indoor projects. If you’re stuck inside you might as well put that time towards projects that need to get done, that way when the sunshine finally returns you’re free to bask in it’s rays. These projects range from purging that closet that’s exploding at it’s seams, getting a head start on your spring cleaning, or even creative activities such as DIY jewellery, clothing or collages. Another great idea is to brush up on any reading you’ve started but haven’t been able to finish due to the craziness of life. 

4. Although chocolate may be my mind’s best friend it’s definitely my body’s enemy. A great way to conquer the daunting task of everyday cooking is to create a week’s worth of healthy meals on Sunday. I like to make a big batch of quinoa, pre-made salads, boiled eggs etc. and store them in ziplock containers for the week. This is an easy way to just grab a meal and go, especially when you’re out and about all day. Healthy treats such as banana oat balls, pumpkin squares and fresh fruit with a few dark chocolate chips, add a little umph to your week of meals and satisfy that sweet tooth. 

5. Fashion fiascos are hard to fix especially in the winter when you’re required to bundle, however i can suggest a few minor adjustments to stay cute. 1) Invest in an appropriate jacket. Usually a down filled or longer jacket will keep you warm and the added length with keep the wind from getting inside. 2) Ditch the winter boots and invest in a pair of doc martens, they’re durable, warm and they look great! 3) Indulge in a little online shopping. You can order a few new spring clothes and it takes a little while to arrive, so who knows maybe it will be just a tad warmer by the time you get them! It also gives you something to look forward to. 

In the grand scheme of things, unless you’re planning on moving south or to a remote tropical island, there isn’t much you can do about winter. I hope that not only can you guys identify with my reasons for hating winter, but also find some peace by using any of these 5 tips to bettering your chilly season. Lastly, remember it’s all in your mindset, try to stay positive and even the coldest of days can be warm. 


Mexican Pizza

IMG_3397When you’re a student sometimes you would simply rather eat a pizza pocket or good ol’ mr. noodles for dinner, come on we’ve all been there. Well my friends I bring good news, here is an easy, healthy, and probably a lot more delicious alternative…I give you the mexican pizza! Driving home from work on Tuesday, which happens to be my busiest day (6.5 hours of class followed by 3 hours of work), all I could think about was how badly I DIDN’T want to cook dinner. Conquering the urge to stop at one of the many glutinous eateries surrounding my apartment building, I found myself rummaging through my fridge, pulling out an assortment of ingredients. Here is the recipe that this restless mind conjured.

2 whole wheat tortillas

organic olive oil





grilled chicken (from previous dinner)


Directions: Preheat the oven to 375′. Place both tortillas on a non-stick baking sheet and brush with organic olive oil and set aside. Slice up your already grilled chicken (feel free to use any leftover meats you may have from a previous dinner), 1 small hot house tomato, onions and avocado. Mince 2 cloves of garlic (one for each tortilla) and sprinkle over both, along with the chicken, tomatoes, onions and crumpled feta. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes or until golden. Once you’ve removed your pizzas from the oven garnish with your avocado and enjoy!

I hope this recipe saves someone from caving in to their disastrous craving.


Confessions of a young adult’s restless mind

Sitting in class today,where I should have been taking better notes, or perhaps paying attention to the information I pay thousands of dollars a year to learn; I instead, found myself aimlessly pondering the indecisions surrounding my future. You may think that a third year kinesiology student would have things a little more under control. I mean, I’ve already made it through first –the “party like everyday is your birthday” phase, as well as second year which encompassed 6 months of tears and self deprivation, due to the slap in the face second year courses brought. However I am still as unclear about my future as I was in grade 12, sitting in the guidance counselor’s chair. What I am able to do is  pin point the things I enjoy in life: cooking & eating delicious food, working out, shopping and fashion as well as indulging in various forms of social media. With this list of things i’ve accumulated through self inventory I’ve decided that starting a blog is my first step to a clearer future. With that said, this blog will be a collection of posts such as, healthy eating tips and recipes, workouts and any other helpful tidbits to the health conscious population. I look forward to starting this journey towards a brighter future and welcome all along for the ride.
